Channel: FlippingOldschool
Category: Gaming
Tags: runescapenex update osrsjagex have just revealed the drop rates for nexosrs update nexupdate osrsoldschool runescape nexupdate oldschool runescapenex oldschool runescapeosrs nex updateoldschool runescapeosrs updateoldschool runescape updatenex drop ratesosrsnex drop rates oldschool runescapeweekly recap osrsjagex revealed drop rates nexnex drop rates runescapenex osrsdrop rates nexosrs nex
Description: Today we will be covering the newly released Nex drop rates. This week jagex made some changes to the unique drop rates from Nex. This lead to a lot of speculation as to what they are. Today jagex have revealed them. Welcome back everyone to another weekly recap. In the weekly recap I like to summarize everything that happened in the week concerning oldschool runescape. I will be covering this weeks game update, as well as any other community news I think is interesting. Nex Changes and Tweaks Nex Drop Table Changes & Monster Examine Nex Rate Nerf Runelite Release Thanks for watching --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ironside Click here to customize your own PC Use my coupon code "flipping" for a 5% discount! Grand Exchange Tracker Discord Music Used Krik Twitch: Twitter: Clan Chat: "FlippingOSRS" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you to my Youtube members! Gohma CJ Rouse Faerell 2000 Btd6 K1ng Herieman Mexose Tyler Mccutcheon Guy Fawkes Brandton Graffin Samon sounds Septiikos WolfoftheHunt ndm0001 yoyosup 89 Timothy Chen Basstich MageOfLink Whales FTW Nova Ocilot Kush Patel Clarko William Corley Vasil Cholakov Michael